Showing Tag: "retirement" (Show all posts)

Retirement Business Opportunities: Three Popular Ideas

Posted by Bibi Apampa on Monday, July 7, 2014, In : Retirement Business 

Retirement business opportunities are on the minds of many people preparing for retirement, with the intent to continue working. There is a rising interest and desire to experience being an entrepreneur. Many, however, have no idea what type of business they should start.

Here are three popular ideas:

Writing, thanks to the Internet, can be a worthwhile endeavour. Creating and monetizing a blog is a simple process. Your subject matter can range from topics you are familiar with from your wo...

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Retirement Business Ideas: Find Your Dream Business

Posted by Bibi Apampa on Monday, July 7, 2014, In : Retirement Business 

Retirement business ideas are abundant thanks to today's economy. It's easy to conduct your research online to discover the most popular businesses being built by folks planning for retirement. Starting your business before retirement is ideal, since you can simply expand your business hours when you are available to operate your business full time, if you prefer to do so.

To increase your chances for success, only consider a business that matches your skill sets and you are passionate about...

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Retirement Business: Find The Perfect One For You

Posted by Bibi Apampa on Monday, July 7, 2014, In : Retirement Business 

Retirement business research is a critical first step and is necessary to find  your perfect business. You'll most likely become frustrated and ultimately fail, if you start the wrong business.

It's very common, after you start building your retirement business, to receive advice from people who have never operated or started a business. This unsolicited advice will come from people you may trust like your family and friends.

Especially in this economy, you also need to be aware of business...

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6 perspectives on why retirees need to be more conservative with their portfolios

Posted by Bibi Apampa on Thursday, July 3, 2014, In : Investment 

A while back I wrote some articles on a couple of other blogs on how investing for retirement is different than investing in retirement. I’ve had some really positive feedback on these columns so I thought I would share with you 6 of my favorite articles on why retirees need to be more conservative with their portfolios.

Variable Returns Can Work Against You in Retirement On

One of the problems of return proj...

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7 tips for women about to retire

Posted by Bibi Apampa on Thursday, July 3, 2014, In : Retirement Business 

7 tips for women about to retire - #GoogleAlerts

Women live longer than men, on average. And that's mostly a blessing.

But, as with a lot of things, it could be somewhat problematic in retirement. Here's why.

The fact is, women face a unique set of issues that may require a somewhat different approach to financial planning.

"The average life span for women is 8% longer than for a man," says Deana Arnett, senior planning consultant for Rosenthal Wealth Management Group. ...

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The Retirement Planning Pyramid - Investing for your Retirement

Posted by Bibi Apampa on Sunday, January 26, 2014, In : Investment 

The  Retirement  Planning  Pyramid - Investment Options towards your Retirement portfolio


The economic turbulence of the past several years has forced America’s 78 million Baby Boomers to re examine and redefine their retirement savings strategies. According to the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, more than half of American households are “at risk” of being unable to maintain their pre-retirement standard of living in r...

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10 Retirement Resolutions To Set for 2014

Posted by Bibi Apampa on Friday, January 3, 2014, In : Retirement Business 

10 Retirement Resolutions To Set for 2014
Rodney Brooks, USA TODAY

Things have been good this year. The stock market has had an incredible run. The economy and housing are starting to turn around. And we have all saved enough money to live an incredible lifestyle in retirement.

Well, two out of three ain't bad.

Most of us have not saved enough for retirement. I've do...

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6 Retirement Business Opportunities

Posted by Bibi Apampa on Friday, March 29, 2013, In : Retirement Business 

Below are Six  low capital but profitable businesses for Retirees that can be started from home 

1.     Ebay trading – There was a survey carried out that most households have at least $1000  worth of products that they no longer require that can be sold on ebay.. For free training on how to become a Powerseller on ebay go to 

2.     Affiliate marketing – selling other peoples products for a commission. This is a simple strategy anyone can do as you don’t c...

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10 Retirement business opportunities - awesome small business ideas for retired people

Posted by Bibi Apampa on Wednesday, March 27, 2013, In : Retirement Business 

10  Retirement business opportunities

1.     Consultancy Business

2.    Ghost Writing

3.   Blogging

4.   Teaching / Tutoring

5.    Property Management

6.   Pet Sitting

7.    Bed and Breakfast Owners

8.   eBay Trading

9.   Affiliate Marketing

10.   Life and Business Coach

Get the free Retirement business book today and start  Creating Multiple Streams Of Income For A Rich Stress Free Retirement at 

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7 Business Ideas for Retired People

Posted by Bibi Apampa on Wednesday, March 27, 2013, In : Retirement Business 

1.      Tutoring

2.   After School guardian

3.    Seminar coordinator

4.    Be a Trainer or Coach

a.     Fitness coach

b.    Diet coach

c.     Nutrition coach

d.    Business coach

e.    Lifestyle coach

f.     Marketing coach

g.    Organization coach

5.    Cleaning Business

6.    Food Entrepreneur

7.    Antique Appraiser

Get the free Retirement business book today and start  Creating Multiple Streams Of Income For A Rich Stress Free Retirement at 
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8 Business Ideas for Retirees to start

Posted by Bibi Apampa on Tuesday, March 26, 2013, In : Retirement Business 

8 Business Ideas for Retirees to start

1.     Event Coordinator

2.   Professional Speaker

3.   Become a local Grand Parent for after school care

4.   Ghost Writing service

5.    Moving specialist or coordinator

6.   Become an Executive for Hire

7.    eBay Powerseller

8.   Online Researcher


Get the free Retirement business book today and start  Creating Multiple Streams Of Income For A Rich Stress Free Retirement at 

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How to plan towards being rich, healthy, young and wise in retirement

Posted by Bibi Apampa on Tuesday, March 26, 2013, In : Retirement Business 

RETIRE RICH STRATEGY BOOK - How to plan towards being rich, healthy, young and wise in retirement
In our current economic climate, retirement can be seen like an intimidating prospect, but Bibi Apampa (Top Retirement Business Mentor )offers four proven plans that are guaranteed to ensure your retirement is both happy and financially secure.

The Personal Development Plan that will empower and build you with skills and mindset you need to manage your money. Your time and your relationships.


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Retirement Business - Top 10 Retirement Jobs аnd Businesses

Posted by Bibi Apampa on Thursday, March 21, 2013, In : Retirement Business 
If уоu аrе reading thiѕ it iѕ bесаuѕе уоu аrе interested in making money аnd finding оut hоw tо make money аftеr retirement. 
Prior tо retirement, mаnу spend hours оn financial planning аnd obviously, thаt'ѕ important. However, wе spend littlе оr nо thought аbоut planning creative retirement needs. Thе belief ѕееmѕ tо bе аѕ lоng аѕ wе hаvе a roof оvеr оur heads аnd food оn thе table wе'rе аll set. But nо matter hоw big оr small thе...

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Starting a low capital but profitable business in a harsh economic climate

Posted by Bibi Apampa on Thursday, March 21, 2013, In : Retirement Business 

 Is it possible to start a low capital but profitable business in a harsh economic climate, The answer is yes however this will involve thinking outside the box and being ready to read and learn to do new things.

We will look at a 7 step Process to starting a profitable business with low capital 

·        Find a hungry market/ audience with a challenge or problem

·        Develop/ buy/ produce/supply a product or service guaranteed to solve the problem that will sell

·        Develop y...

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Retirement Business Ideas Let's face facts, It doesn't just take age to retire...It takes Money! It's Fast And Easy To Get Started Immediately by building business's and creating multiple streams of income on demand every month from The comfort of your own home. Prepare for a WEALTHY, HEALTHY, and WISE Retirement Download today a book on Retirement Business Ideas for a Rich Stress Free Retirement at